Mehran University Conducts Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) for 2023-2024

In line with the Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) commitment to enhancing the quality of postgraduate programs in Pakistan, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET) has conducted a Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) for the academic year 2023-2024. This initiative builds upon the Commission’s decision, established in the 9th meeting held on November 26, 2005, to conduct peer reviews of Master’s and PhD programs (Level 7 & 8) against minimum HEC criteria. Through this PGPR exercise, MUET aims to ensure its postgraduate programs meet international standards and provide students with an exceptional educational experience.

Mehran University Conducts Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) for 2023-2024
Mehran University Conducts Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) for 2023-2024
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