QEC Activities

Quality Control Centre

Quality Control Center

Functions of QEC as per PC-1 of Quality Assurance Agency, HEC

  1. QEC will be responsible for promoting public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees, management and over all quality of knowledge being imparted by the institutions are enhanced and safeguarded.
  2. QEC will be responsible for the review of quality standards by auditing academic standards and the quality of teaching, learning and management in each subject area.
  3. QEC will be responsible for the review of academic affiliations with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
  4. QEC will be responsible for defining clear and explicit standards as points of reference to the reviews to be carried out. It should also help the employees to know as to what they could expect from candidates.
  5. QEC will be responsible to develop qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Bachelors, Bachelor with Honors, Master’s, M. Phil., Doctoral.
  6. QEC will be responsible to develop program specifications. These are standard set of information clarifying what knowledge, understanding, skills and other attributes a student will have developed on successfully completing a specific program.
  7. QEC will be responsible to develop quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
  8. QEC will be responsible to ensure that the university’s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
  9. QEC staff will get the capacity building training from HEC on the subject of quality in higher learning and will be responsible to implement and disseminate that acquired knowledge in to learning environment of the institution.
  10. QEC will be responsible to develop procedures for the following:
  11. Improvement of existing programs and approval of new programs in consultation with already existing body responsible for the task at universities.
  12. Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty assessment, and student’s perception.
  13. Developing a data source for accurate information regarding quality assurance which will be deliverable to all stakeholders.
  14. Departmental review
  15. Student feedback
  16. Employer feedback
  17. Quality assurance of Master’s, M. Phil. And Ph. D. degree programs.
  18. Subject review
  19. Institutional audit
  20. Program specifications
  21. Qualification framework
  22. Over all quality improvements in institutional management/leadership
  23. Steps on development and implementation of QA mechanism/procedures within the University

ISO 9001:2015 Standard

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology is certified under ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard since 2003. Quality Management System (QMS) was developed and implemented by the ISO-9000 Cell which was redesigned as QEC on the receipt of PC-1 of QAA, HEC and its scope was extended by adding the function of implementation of Self-Assessment Mechanism in the University.

QEC Developed and implemented Quality System Manual and the procedures for the following:

  1. Management Reviews
  2. Control of Documents & Records
  3. Internal Quality Auditing
  4. Control of Non-Confirming Services
  5. Departmental Management Review
  6. Internal Communication
  7. Improvement
  8. Customer-Related Processes
  9. Design & Development
  10. Human Resources
  11. Purchasing of Academic Services
  12. Purchasing of Non-Academic Services
  13. Purchasing of Materials
  14. Monitoring & Measuring of Equipment
  15. QEC has developed and implemented SOPs (67) for the following:
  16. Admission and Academics in UGS and PGS
  17. Examination Activities and Issuance of Certificates etc
  18. Library and On-line Information Service
  19. Accreditations
  20. Developing Linkages
  21. Execution of Development schemes
  22. Dealing with cases of Indiscipline
  23. Public Relations
  24. Payment of Bills
  25. Collection of Funds
  26. Preparation of Budgets and

Lot of other activities of Non-Academic departments including Registrar Office, Directorate of Finance, Students’ Affairs, Project Directorate, MIS, Students’ Financial Aid Office, Provost of Hostels, Planning & Development etc

Quality Plans / Process Maps are developed and revised by using the tool of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).

Beside S.A. surveys QEC is conducting Student Feedback regarding the following from students of all departments.

  1. Teachers’ Assessment [Theory & Practical]
  2. Class Rooms
  3. Library
  4. Examinations
  5. Hostels
  6. Sports
  7. General Campus Facilities

In order to ensure the conformity of the procedures, Rules Regulations and Statutes, trainings have been given to the Teachers and Officers of the University. QEC form and depute the Audit Teams to all academic and non-academic departments for conducting procedural audit. The Audit is called Internal Quality Audits and conducted twice in a calendar year.

  1. QEC arrange external audit twice in a year. External Audit is conducted by auditors of UK based ISO Certification Agency named LRQA to ensure conformity to the Quality Management System
  2. Management Review Committee (MRC) is formed at University Level.
  3. The Vice Chancellor is the Chairman of MRC. All HoDs of Academic and Non-academic departments (43) are the members of MRC.
  4. Meetings of MRC are conducted on quarterly basis.
  5. QEC arrange the meetings, prepares agenda, Working paper and Minutes of the meetings.
  6. QEC is responsible for follow-up of the decisions and report the status in the next meeting.
  7. All Academic as well as Non-Academic Departments must have to set yearly Quality Objectives. QEC monitor the Objectives and report status in MRC meeting.
  8. Monitor the conduct of Departmental Management Reviews held in each quarter.
  9. Ensure compliance of Yearly Academic Calendar.
  10. Ensure compliance of Tentative Teaching Plans and Teaching Reports.
  11. Communicate Internal and External Audit Reports and make follow-up of compliances.
  12. Ensure follow-up of Corrective/Preventive Action Reports (CPARs) till completion of task.
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